Kentucky Association of Memorial Dealers
Welcome to the Kentucky Association of Memorial Dealers website. KAMD members recognize the importance in preserving memories of loved ones for the generations to follow. We specialize in creating unique and memorable monuments to honor your loved ones. Memorials are not just a sideline source of income for us, they are our passion. Granite memorials are made to last forever. As a KAMD member it is our responsibility to:
* Encourage the knowledge and appreciation of memorialization
* Foster and maintain an association for the promotion and improvement of the art of memorialization
* Support educational programs in all segments of the cemetery and memorialization industry
* Encourage better memorialization
* Foster constructive relations between all segments of the memorial industry and cemeteries
* Promote cooperation and understanding with respect to industry relations with all segments of the industry
* Encourage, formulate and enforce the highest degree of business professional and ethical standards all levels of the memorial industry covered through our Code of Ethics.
This allows us to have up to date knowledge of the memorial industry in order to educate the general public.
You are invited to visit one of our KAMD displays which are located throughout the state of Kentucky. We offer flexibility in design, availability, craftsmanship, and in many cases, experience that spans several generations to guarantee your satisfaction.
We look forward to being of service to you.
